Good News Bible Study - Lesson 1
THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT THE FUTURE There seems to be no end of new tabloids blazing with bizarre and intriguing predicitons of supermarket psychics and syndicated astrologers. They claim to know what will take place in the future. If their information is coming from God, it surely seems a bit strange that most of their interest is in the people of the entertainment business. And it’s interesting to notice that the battling average of the psychics is less than impressive. Counterfeit prophets annually fire “buckshot into tomorrow’s clouds. Hoping to bag a stray duck as it passes overhead,” says Ralph Blodgett in These Times. Blodgett also states that out of 250 specific published predictions he found less than 3 percent that he could list as reasonably fulfilled and 97 percent that missed the mark completely. If we really to know what the future holds we need to go back to the Bible, the book that has proven again and again its accuracy in predicting the future. Please click "Submit" once only. Once your completed lesson is processed you will receive via e-mail your corrected lesson in PDF format (Requires Adobe Reader) and a link to Lesson 2. You will be redirected to A New You Ministry Homepage upon form submission. |