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Who made the Sabbath? When? Why? Which day does the Bible say is God’s holy Sabbath day? Has the seventh-day Sabbath been abolished for Christians? How long will the Sabbath exist? In this pocket sized booklet you will find thirty-five Bible facts about the Sabbath.

This attractive and easy-to-read tract offers hope and reassurance that God is there and that He does care – a message that many need to hear during these difficult times.

Offers hope and encouragement to uplift the discouraged.

Looking at how we were made gives insight into what happens at death. Also, the assurance is given that there is life beyond the grave. Christ has given us the hope of eternal life. A sidebar tells how the hope and confidence Christians have can enable them not to fear death.

Offers precious reminders of prayer's amazing power. Answers questions like Why should I pray? and Does God really hear my prayers?

Reveals the Bible Truth regarding the Left Behind theory and rapture.

The promise of Christ's coming, signs of His soon return and the manner of Jesus' coming are discussed. A sidebar gives two ways to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ.

Gives Bible clarification regarding the use of alcohol.

Defines just how important prayer is and the role prayer has in healing.

This tract reveals the Biblical Truth about what happens when someone dies.

Is God's Sabbath on Sunday or Saturday?

How to have the assurance of Salvation - God's gift to you!